Register for an upcoming event!
We are excited to connect with our community by offering various webinars and other events to empower our clients, their families, and other professionals.
Halloween-Themed Inclusive Family Music Class
led by Rubato Music Therapy
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Ages 2-6, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Ages 7-12, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Past Events

FROM 3 TO 30:
A Mother and Daughter's Journey with AAC

Meet Christine and her Mom, Marge. Christine is 30 years old, has Cerebral Palsy, and has used an an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device to communicate since she was a young child. She has completed college coursework, is a social media master, gives presentations to graduate students, has worked and volunteered as a classroom assistant in special education classrooms, and much more!
During the first half of the session, Christine will be sharing about her journey with AAC and what it means to her. Marge will also add her experience from a parent's perspective. The final half of the session will be reserved for Q & A.

If you missed it, CLICK HERE to check out the recording.
Understanding Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC):
How can technology help my child talk?
During this webinar, you will learn about different types of AAC and best practices for getting your child the most appropriate AAC tools to help them communicate and learn language. We will also discuss the most common concerns that parents have around AAC including worry that a child's motivation to talk will decrease when using an AAC device.